a person standing on a patterned vintage vinyl rug

About Us

Inspired by beautiful vintage flooring and the practical needs of everyday, modern living, our mission at Monroe and Leisure is to offer high-quality vintage vinyl rugs that provide function and elegance. As a certified retailer of Spicher and Co’s unique vintage vinyl, we’re passionate about quality craftsmanship, artisanal design, and finding the perfect juxtaposition of texture, color, and form. From elaborate mosaic tile rugs and artisan textile rugs to the balanced colors of folk art and the Persian Bazaar, our carefully curated collections are made to add vintage charm to any and every space in your home.

Who We Are

Monroe and Leisure ensures that each vintage vinyl floorcloth we offer is of the highest quality and welcomes comfort, style, and performance into your home. Certified non-slip, pet- and kid-friendly, and hypoallergenic, our durable vintage floor cloths are designed to be lived in — and lived on. Nearly all of our USA-made patterns are available in every size, to help you create a personalized living space. Whether you’re redecorating your entire home or adding a statement-making accent to an individual room, the goal of our collections is to create a vintage vibrance that enhances any space. 

A Seamless Shopping Experience

Our commitment to customer satisfaction and creating a seamless shopping experience drives everything we do. Your home and design aspirations are your own, as should be your service and accent rugs. We believe that your home should be a reflection of those that live in it, which is why we offer beautiful rug patterns in various colors, compositions, and aesthetics that complement everyone and every home. Our knowledgeable customer service team is always ready to support you in your home design journey, from helping you with customizations to finding the perfect pattern for your space. Transform your house into a home with Monroe and Leisure.